


Emergency Department

Emergency Department

The Ikeda City Hospital is a secondary emergency designated hospital, which mainly treats patients of the following departments: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics (weekdays, daytime only), and Obstetrics & Gynecology (family OB/GYN doctors only). We have two full-time doctors available during the day, and nighttime examinations are handled by the doctors on duty at the Internal Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics & Gynecology departments. The Emergency and General Medicine Department provides the following services: Receiving ambulances, afterhours emergency consultations, initial examination and treatment of critical patients including triage patients and outpatients requiring emergency care. During a medical examination, the attending physician will determine if the patient requires additional treatment at a specialist department. If necessary, the patient will be admitted to the relevant department for continual specialist care, or referred to the outpatient clinic for further treatment. Patients requiring intensive care treatment, including for severe pancreatitis, severe infection, and emergency surgery for an extremely poor physical condition overall, will be transported to a tertiary emergency designated hospital in a timely way.

* Please be sure to bring your Health Insurance Card with you to the consultation.
* Please make sure to call the hospital prior to your consultation date, and confirm the details and other information. (Consultations may be refused due to the treatment of severely ill patients)
* Detailed examinations may not be possible, and in some circumstances patients may be referred to another hospital, or asked to return to the hospital at a later date.
* Please note the minimum required course of medication will be prescribed. (1–2 days)

  • 当院のがん治療
  • 不整脈治療(アブレーション)
  • ヘルニア外来
  • 肛門疾患
  • 下肢静脈瘤
  • 眼瞼下垂
  • 糖尿病治療
  • 脊椎疾患
  • 狭心症治療経皮的冠動脈形成術
  • 人工膝関節置換術
  • 腹腔鏡下肝切除
  • 大腸がん治療
  • 大腸がん内視鏡治療
  • 不妊治療
  • 婦人科ロボット支援下手術
  • ロボット手術前立腺がん
  • 大腸がんロボット支援下手術
  • 食物アレルギー検査
  • 手の痛みや痺れ
  • 真珠腫性中耳炎
  • めまい
  • ご寄付のお願い
  • 日本医療機能評価機構認定
  • JCEP
  • 病院指標(DPC)指標
  • NCD
  • 池田市がん検診
  • 豊能医療圏がん医療ネットワーク協議会
  • 敷地内禁煙
  • 市立池田病院 出産のご案内
  • youtube
  • LINE公式アカウント


市立池田病院 072-751-2881