




By Train & Shinkansen Bullet Train

From Umeda Hankyu Umeda Station → Hankyu Takarazuka Line; Get off at Ikeda Station

From Kyoto Hankyu Kyoto Station → Change at Hankyu Juso Station to the Hankyu Takarazuka Line; Get off at Ikeda Station

From Sannomiya Hankyu Sannomiya Station → Change at Hankyu Juso Station to the Hankyu Takarazuka Line; Get off at Ikeda Station

From Sanda JR Sanda Station → Change at JR Takarazuka Station to the Hankyu Takarazuka Station → Hankyu Takarazuka Line; Get off at Ikeda Station

From Nissei-Chuo Nose Electric Railway Nissei-Chuo Station → Change at Kawanishi Station to Hankyu Kawanishi-Noseguchi Station → Hankyu Takarazuka Line; Get off at Ikeda Station

From Shinkansen Bullet Train JR Shin-Osaka Station → Change at JR Osaka Station to Hankyu Umeda Station → Hankyu Takarazuka Line; Get off at Ikeda Station

By Car

From Ibaraki

Approx. 10 minutes from the Chugoku Expressway Toyonaka IC Exit
Approx. 10 minutes from the Chugoku Expressway Toyonaka IC Exit
From the Chugoku Expressway Toyonaka IC Exit, get onto the Osaka Chuo Kanjo-sen Belt Line and take the next immediate side road, then turn right at the first traffic light. Drive approx. 2.8 km toward Takarazuka on Route 176, then turn right at the Jonan 3-chome intersection. Ikeda City Hospital is approx. 250 meters ahead.

From Takarazuka

Approx. 10 minutes from the Chugoku Expressway Exit
From the Chugoku Expressway Ikeda IC Exit, at the immediate fork in the road take the left side toward Ikeda, then turn left at the Toyoshima Minami 1-chome Higashi intersection. Get onto Route 171, and turn left at the Ishibashi-Handai shita intersection at the fourth traffic light. Drive approx. 2 km toward Takarazuka on Route 176, then turn right at the Jonan 3-chome intersection. Ikeda City Hospital is approx. 250 meters ahead.

Parking Lot

Parking by time Fee (incl. tax)
First hour Free
Over 1 hour to 1 hour 30 mins. ¥400
Over 1 hour 30 min. 1 hour 30 mins. ¥400, every 30 mins. thereafter ¥100
If the parking time exceeds an hour due to a consultation or the hospital’s convenience, a discount ticket will be issued after verifying the parking receipt. Please apply at the place listed below.
* Parking is free for patients with a Physical Disability Notebook, Special Education Notebook, or similar certificate. Please apply at the counter listed below.
・Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. First floor lobby Parking Ticket Issuance Counter
・Available at the first floor After-hours Reception after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, and on weekends and public holidays.
* The same system applies for people visiting admitted patients in the hospital.


  • 当院のがん治療
  • ご寄付のお願い
  • 日本医療機能評価機構認定
  • JCEP
  • 病院指標(DPC)指標
  • NCD
  • 池田市がん検診
  • 豊能医療圏がん医療ネットワーク協議会
  • 敷地内禁煙
  • 市立池田病院 出産のご案内
  • youtube
  • LINE公式アカウント


市立池田病院 072-751-2881