


Admission Outline

Admission Outline

Daily Schedule

Wake-up: 6:00 a.m.

Lights off: 10:00 p.m.
Please note that the television and radio cannot be used from the lights off time until 6:00 a.m. the following morning.

Meal time: Breakfast: 7:30 a.m., Lunch: noon, Dinner: 6:00 p.m.
・The meals served depend on the patient’s medical condition; please consult with the attending doctor or nurse about serving food other than the meals provided by the hospital.
・Meals will be prepared and served to patients who miss the set meal times due to undergoing medical examinations and tests, etc.

Hospital Room

Television and fridge
here is a television and fridge in each bedside cabinet. They are free to use in paid-for private rooms and deluxe rooms. You need a special card to use the television and fridge in general rooms. Please purchase this card from the vending machine in the Day Room. There are change machines for cash at the Main Building afterhours entry/exit, and in front of the lighted courtyard.

Bedding, etc.
Please note that only hospital bedding can be used in the rooms. The bedsheets are changed weekly.

Please note that patients may be moved to a different room or ward, depending on their medical condition and treatment. Thank you for your understanding.

Please note that requests for a private room may not be able to be fulfilled, depending on the room situation in general.

Observation rooms are exclusively for patients who require observation during their treatment. Once the patient no longer needs to be observed, they will be immediately moved to another room. Thank you for your understanding.

Daytime/Overnight Leave

Please get permission from your attending doctor if you wish to go outside during the day, or stay elsewhere overnight. Please be sure to inform the ward nurse when you leave the hospital to go outside, and when you have returned to the hospital.

Admission Rules

Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the hospital grounds.

Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited.

Please switch off your mobile phone while in the hospital room. Please refrain from using your mobile phone while in the hospital. Mobile phones may have an effect on some medical devices and pacemakers, etc. Please use your mobile phone near a public telephone, or in the Day Room.

Please refrain from calling to ask for admitted patients, other than in an emergency.

Please ask for permission from the hospital before bringing any (personal) electronic devices for use. Please consult with the ward staff about the electronic devices that can be used in the hospital.

Please use earphones when using the television and radio. (Please bring your own headphones from home to use.)

Please try not to bring any valuable items with you to the hospital. Please only bring the minimum amount of cash you will need, and take good care to make sure it is not stolen. There is a safety box in each bedside cabinet. When using the safety box, make sure to carry the key with you at all times.

There are no parking spaces available for admitted patients.
If you have come to the hospital by car, or are admitted for emergency treatment and cannot move your car, or for any other reason that requires you to park your car in the hospital parking lot, the parking fee will be ¥1,500 per day.

Please follow the directions of the doctors, nurses and other hospital staff during your admission.

Please notify the ward staff immediately if you notice any suspicious-looking person loitering in the ward or other areas.

Please do not give any gifts of gratitude to the hospital staff.
* You may be asked to leave the hospital if you do not follow these rules listed above. Thank you for your understanding.

Private/Deluxe Rooms


General Rooms

Ikeda City Residents ¥7,700 (incl. tax)
Non-Residents ¥11,550 (incl. tax)
Main Facilities
Shower, Toilet, Television, Fridge, Phone (pay-for)
3-piece furniture set for visitors, Wash basin, Closet





Deluxe Room

Ikeda City Residents ¥22,000 (incl. tax)
Non-Residents ¥33,000 (incl. tax)
Main Facilities
Modular bath, Toilet, Television, Fridge, Phone (pay-for)
Mini Kitchen, 4-piece furniture set for visitors, Wash basin, Closet




* Using the room phone
The phones installed in the deluxe and general rooms are connected only to the six prefectures in the Kinki region (Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, Shiga, Wakayama).
The phones cannot be used to call numbers in other prefectures, or to mobile phone numbers.

Admission Fee Invoice

The admission fee is calculated monthly, from the first to last day of the month. A ward clerk will hand you a Notice of Admission Fees Owing a few days after the cut off date each month. Please make payment at the payment desk (6) on the first floor, or use the automatic payment machine (7).
* Cash and credit card payments are accepted.
* Please use the After-hours Reception & Payment desk (30) to make payment after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, and on weekends and public holidays. Please try have the exact amount ready if paying in cash.
Please note an additional invoice may be sent after discharge from the hospital, due to delays in preparing the fee sheet. Please keep all receipts safely in your records, as they will be needed when claiming income tax deductions for medical expenses and for the repayment of high-cost medical expenses. Please note that receipts cannot be reissued.


  • 当院のがん治療
  • ご寄付のお願い
  • 日本医療機能評価機構認定
  • JCEP
  • 病院指標(DPC)指標
  • NCD
  • 池田市がん検診
  • 豊能医療圏がん医療ネットワーク協議会
  • 敷地内禁煙
  • 市立池田病院 出産のご案内
  • youtube
  • LINE公式アカウント


市立池田病院 072-751-2881