


Delivery information

Congratulations on your pregnancy!


Please consult with the hospital staff if you have any of the following symptoms.
We provide 24-hour medical care.

Contractions:More than 5–6 contractions in an hour

Water breaking:Not sure if it is urine, discharge, amniotic fluid, or something else

Bleeding:Amount is around the same or more than menstrual bleeding

Birth-related Consultations

Booking an Appointment for Delivery

Pregnant women can receive an initial consultation as a new patient directly at the hospital’s Obstetrics & Gynecology department. We also accept referrals from the Obstetrics & Gynecology department you usually visit (your family OB/GYN doctor).Patients from areas outside Ikeda City are also welcome, including Kawanishi, Toyonaka, Mino, and Suita.

Patients receiving care at other medical institutions

Nearby hospital or clinic

Pregnancy confirmation


Nearby hospital or clinic

After confirming your due date, please ask your family OB/GYN doctor to book an appointment for the delivery at this hospital.


Ikeda City Hospital

Please bring your referral letter with you.
Come to the Obstetrics & Gynecology Outpatient Clinic for a checkup at around the 15th week of pregnancy.
◎Women choosing a return-to-hometown childbirth, please have a checkup at around the 32nd to 34th week of pregnancy.


Admission — 3F North Ward Obstetrics & Gynecology Floor

Patients wishing to receive care at Ikeda City Hospital

Ikeda City Hospital

Please come to the hospital by 11:00 a.m. on a weekday

* First-time patients must bring a referral letter with them, otherwise the following additional fee will be charged:
Additional fee for first-time visit without a referral letter (sentei ryoyohi): ¥5,500 (incl. tax), Dentistry department: ¥3,300 (incl. tax)

* If you prefer a female obstetrician, please let us know when making an appointment.

【General visit (no appointment)】
Consultation & Reception Hours 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Pregnancy confirmation


Booking an appointment for delivery


Admission — 3F North Ward Obstetrics & Gynecology Floor

Special Smart Lane for Pregnant Women

The Ikeda City Hospital has set up a special Smart Lane for pregnant women who are visiting for a checkup. It allows pregnant women to smoothly and quickly complete procedures at reception and receive medical care. The Smart Lane provides pregnant women the reassurance of not having to wait a long time, while carrying the heavy load of a baby in their belly!

A convenient Smart Lane for Pregnant women is set up at the hospital reception area (first-time visit) and payment counter. Women can use the hospital’s Smart Lane from the day their pregnancy is confirmed.


Priority service at first-time visit reception!

Smooth OB/GYN medical care!

Priority service at payment counter!

Women choosing return-to-hometown childbirth are also welcome!!

The Ikeda City Hospital also welcomes women who will return to their hometown for childbirth.
Women can choose to safely deliver their baby in their hometown, Ikeda City, surrounded by their family. Your family OB/GYN can also book an appointment for delivery. (Please tell your family OB/GYN doctor you would like to deliver your baby at the Ikeda City Hospital.)

After your due date is confirmed, please book an appointment for the delivery at this hospital!

Obstetrics & Gynecology Outpatient Clinic 072-751-2881


8 Reasons to Choose Ikeda City Hospital

4-hour on-call service for delivery anytime!


The Ikeda City Hospital provides 24-hour on-call midwife service. Pregnant women who have made an appointment for delivery at this hospital can have the peace of mind they will be looked after whenever the baby is ready to be delivered! Please call us if you have any concerns or worrying symptoms.
When you make an appointment for the delivery, we will provide you with your midwife’s direct phone number.

Support and classes for expectant mothers
The Ikeda City Hospital holds two classes for expectant mothers, in the early and late stages of pregnancy. These classes are also a chance for pregnant women to talk with other expectant mothers, as their due date approaches. This is another level of support, in addition to the care provided by your OB/GYN doctor and midwife.

【Class 1】 Around the 16th week of pregnancy: First Tuesday of each month, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Advice and information from OB/GYN doctors, nutritionists, and midwives, on daily life during pregnancy.

【Class 2】 Around the 30th week of pregnancy: Third Tuesday of each month, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Advice and information from pediatricians and midwives as your due date approaches; includes a tour of the delivery ward.

If you are unable to attend the classes at the specified time, you can join them at another time around the 16th and 30th week of your pregnancy. In addition to these classes, for about three times during outpatient checkups, the hospital also offers advice from midwives at certain weeks in the pregnancy.

Outpatient consultations on breastfeeding and childrearing


These consultations are available on weekday afternoons, and offer advice from midwives on breastfeeding and childrearing.

This is another way Ikeda City Hospital will keep supporting you, even after leaving the hospital with your new baby.
Please feel free to make an appointment for a consultation about breastfeeding and childrearing.

Female OB/GYN doctors


We have experienced female OB/GYN doctors available, and ready to answer your questions and concerns.
Please consult with them anytime you need to


Specialist obstetricians and pediatricians


The Ikeda City Hospital has specialist doctors available in each department.
We work with these specialists to provide comprehensive support for pregnant women with gestational diabetes, thyroid disorders and other conditions, so they can have a safe pregnancy.

Delicious congratulatory meal


As a small gift from the hospital, we serve a one-time special congratulatory lunch to all new mothers while they are still in the hospital. We provide balanced meals to all pregnant women and new mothers who are admitted in the hospital, to ensure they receive complete nutritional support.

Affordable delivery fee


The Ikeda City Hospital offers a relatively affordable delivery fee, as a general hospital with large rooms available.

Vaginal delivery Admission period: 6 days, Fee: from ¥420,000
C-section Admission period: 7 days, Fee: from ¥160,000


Gifts for all women admitted for delivery


All women who are admitted in Ikeda City Hospital for delivery will receive some small gifts.

Obstetrics & Gynecology Floor & Delivery Ward Tour

There are both private rooms and general rooms (up to 4 people) available in the OB/GYN floor.
When you are about to give birth, you will be taken to the labor and delivery room (LDR), where you will stay from the time contractions start until the delivery. You will be able to give birth at your own pace, in a comfortable and safe environment. Your partner will also be able to be by your side as you give birth.

Labor and Delivery Room (LDR)

Labor and Delivery Room (LDR)

General room (up to 4 people)

General room (up to 4 people)

Private room

Private room

The day after you give birth, you and your new baby will return to your hospital room. (For delivery by C-section, on the second day after birth)

Soon after birth, your midwife will help you bond with your new baby and gain confidence in becoming a mother.
We provide highly nutritious and balanced postnatal meals to all new mothers who have just given birth, to ensure they receive complete nutritional support.

Delivery Ward Tour

After the second class for expectant mothers, all participants will be given a tour of the delivery ward.
Tours are also available on request by advance reservation, on Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please contact the hospital anytime if you would like to book a tour.


【For visitors】
Please note that only the partners of the new mothers are allowed to enter the OB/GYN floor. This is to protect the newborn babies from infections, and ensure the new mothers and their babies can rest and recover peacefully. The partners can meet their new child through the glass window of the room where they are resting.

This is a noticeboard showing the newborn babies delivered at the Ikeda City Hospital.

This is a noticeboard showing the newborn babies delivered at the Ikeda City Hospital.

Hospital tour Consultations


Delivery Fee

Normal delivery Weekday delivery between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 6-day admission, Ikeda City resident:

Delivery fee: from approx. ¥420,000 (lump-sum fee)
(Fee may change depending on the admission period and birth time, treatment and medications used, etc.)

C-section Weekday delivery between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., mother and baby both have medical insurance (high-cost medical expenses, infant medical care) 7-day admission:

Delivery fee: from approx. ¥160,000
(Fee may change depending on the admission period and birth time, treatment and medications used, etc.)

Private Room Admission

The following additional fee will apply to the above-listed fee for general room admission.

Ikeda City resident:¥7,000/day


* Shower, toilet, television, fridge, guest chair, and kettle are available for use.
* Televisions in the private room can be used free of charge.
* Please note there are only four private rooms available, and so we may not be able to fulfill your request for a private room.

Admission for Delivery

What to bring to the hospital

Admission consent form and Health Insurance


Mother and Child Health Notebook

Patient registration ticket

Pen, pencil, etc.

Small change
Change of underwear for several days (underpants, nursing bras, etc.)

Toiletries (face wash, lotion, etc.)

Health Insurance Card

Personal seal (ready-made type)

* Please come to the hospital wearing comfortable shoes like sneakers, etc.

What the Hospital Provides

Delivery pad (1)

Pelvic belt (1)

Front-opening underpants (2)

Umbilical cord disinfection set

Umbilical cord box

Nursing bras (1)

Waterproof sheets (1)

Horse oil (1 small bottle)

Small drawstring pouch (1)

Delivery gown (1)

Delivery set

Delivery set

Congratulatory gift

Congratulatory gift

Visiting Times

Visiting times for the OB/GYN are listed below.


OB/GYN Ward Weekdays 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Weekends and public holidays 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Please note that only the partners of the new mothers are allowed to enter the OB/GYN floor. This is to protect the newborn babies from infections, and ensure the new mothers and their babies can rest and recover peacefully. We ask all other visitors to come to the hospital’s day room (meeting room) to see the new mothers and their babies.
Siblings (up to elementary school age) can meet also their new brother or sister through the glass window of the room where they are resting.

Postnatal Support

Outpatient Care for Breastfeeding and Childrearing

New mothers who have concerns about breastfeeding and childrearing can receive outpatient care at the Ikeda City Hospital.


Consultations are by appointment only, so please ask your midwife to make an appointment for you if you are still admitted in the hospital.

New mothers who have already left the hospital can contact the OB/GYN Outpatient Reception on weekdays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Time Weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (closed public holidays)
①From 1:30 p.m./②From 2:30 p.m./③From 3:30 p.m.
Place Obstetrics & Gynecology Outpatient Clinic
Fee Outpatient care for breastfeeding and childrearing ¥3,850 (incl. tax) (¥3,500 excl. tax)
Breast massage ¥3,300 (incl. tax) (¥3,000 excl. tax)
What to bring Patient registration ticket, Mother and Child Health Notebook, 2 face towels, 3 nappies, milk and nursing goods as required, etc.

Please contact the hospital on the following number for inquiries about pregnancy, childbirth, and making an appointment for delivery, etc. 072-751-2881


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市立池田病院 072-751-2881