


Outpatient Clinic

Outpatient Clinic


Consultation & Reception Hours

All Departments (Monday–Friday) 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

* Reception hours for medical checkups are 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (at the Ikeda City Hospital Medical Checkup Center)
Outpatient Clinic consultations start from 8:45 a.m.

Outpatient Clinic

First-time Outpatient Visit

• A first-time outpatient visit without a referral letter from another medical institution will incur an additional fee (sentei ryoyohi) of ¥5,500 (incl. tax) (Dentistry department: ¥3,300 (incl. tax)) at the initial visit.
• Consultations for the Orthopedic Surgery, Ophthalmology, and Otorhinolaryngology departments are by appointment only.
Please have your family doctor arrange an appointment for you, and make sure to bring the letter of referral with you to the consultation.

Subsequent Outpatient Visit

With an appointment

On the day of your appointment, please check in using the Hospital Check-In Machine on the first floor lobby of the main building. Then, please proceed to the reception counter of the department or examination area relevant to your consultation.
Please show your Health Insurance Card at the Health Insurance Counter (desk 3) during your first visit to the hospital each month. (Please inform the hospital reception staff immediately if there are any changes to your Health Insurance Card or Medical Care Certificate, or if you have changed your name or address recently.)

No appointment

Please fill in the Patient Registration Form, and then bring it to the general reception counter (desk 1).
Even after the hospital sends a referral request to a local medical institution (family doctor), patients who wish to continue visiting this hospital for treatment will be charged an additional fee (sentei ryoyohi) of ¥2,750 (incl. tax) (Dentistry department: ¥1,650 (incl. tax)) for a repeat visit; this fee is separate to the outpatient visit fee.


  • 当院のがん治療
  • ご寄付のお願い
  • 日本医療機能評価機構認定
  • JCEP
  • 病院指標(DPC)指標
  • NCD
  • 池田市がん検診
  • 豊能医療圏がん医療ネットワーク協議会
  • 敷地内禁煙
  • 市立池田病院 出産のご案内
  • youtube
  • LINE公式アカウント


市立池田病院 072-751-2881